Laura Nowadays

Political Rantings and Insight From a Not-So-Stupid Twenty-Something.

Location: United States

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Home Sweet Home

I'm quite excited about this new blog I've started. I believe this is obvious to anyone who would read it, as I just posted yesterday, and I am posting again today. I just can't help myself.
Fortunately there are a plethora of topics out there to discuss and I just happen to be opinionated enough to discuss them. So here it is straight from me to you.....
I love the country in which I live, I love the fact that there are men out there willing to defend it. (I just happen to be betrothed to one) I even love the fact that we are a melting pot of different peoples and cultures. It's what makes the US so great and appealing. The appealing part is where my oppinion comes in.
Unless you live in a cave with no television, internet, or access to people, you've heard what's presently taking place in "our world".
The people of Mexico, who have made their way into this country illegaly, are trying to change their status to citizenship. This is, of course, after milking the American people for their hard-earned tax dollars with no intention to repay.This is not to say that there aren't people from other countries who wouldn't love to do the same thing. The Mexicans just scream the loudest.
Please do not misunderstand me, if they weren't getting hired by corrupt business owners in this country, they would have no reason to be here. You can't live on nothing in this country, we're capitalists.
Anyway, I'm sure there is a point in all of my ramblings. I'm no racist, in fact, I think that our country would be an even more well-oiled machine (no pun intended), provided our citizens have half the work-ethic of a Mexican. Just do it legally. People have done it before, and people will continue to do it.
Plus, who wants to live the rest of their life in a state of paranoia?


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