Laura Nowadays

Political Rantings and Insight From a Not-So-Stupid Twenty-Something.

Location: United States

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Do as I Whine not as I Do

In a most heroic effort two weeks ago, the liber... I mean, democrats were able to overcome the large population of Senators who object to pulling the troops and actually convince them otherwise.
Just kidding, but doesn't it just sound silly?

In real life, the Senate voted 93-6 in favor of keeping the troops in Iraq. Wait, what? 93-6? Wouldn't that mean that of 55 Republicans and 44 Democrats only SIX people voted to withdraw the troops? (There are actually 100 people in the Senate, where that other guy ran off to, no-one is sure) Gosh, with all that yelling the Libs do about how evil the war is and how we're not really even sure why were there, they sure were able to resolve those issues in their minds well enough to keep the troops in it. Now, I know that you, oh cynic, would just love to come back with some brilliant comment like "They were bullied into that vote", but let's take a look at John Kerry, the brave. Mr. Flip-Flop. The very guy whose only position is that of what everyone else wants him to be was actually able to stand up to the "peer pressure" and vote against 93 other people. Bravo, John, bravo.
So, what is my point? Maybe, and I know this is going to be difficult to accept, we're actually that much closer to the success in Iraq foreseen by our fearless leader. Shock and Awe! My logic for coming to this conclusion? Even the democrats are voting on the good side! Due to recent good news in Iraq (e.g. over 500 WMD's found and the 2nd most wanted man in the world's death) the Dems, who are not as lacking in intelligence as the others, have managed to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Here's a list of the people, besides John Kerry, who voted for pulling the troops: Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, Barbara Boxer of California, Robert Byrd of West Virginia, Tom Harkin of Iowa, and Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts. Well, would you look at who's name is missing? It would be Lady Hillary of New York. She's been at Bush's throat since the war started, questioning Bush's policy and wondering why "...we have not captured or killed the tallest man in Afghanistan." Well, Hil, maybe you should ask the same question of your Hubby who has let the tallest man in the Afghanistan slip between his fingers several times.
I find it interesting that when polled and/or interviewed, the American people and politicians seem to voice such hatred for the war in Iraq and the tragedy it is and the embarrassment it brings on our country. Yet, when it comes down to a vote, something that actually causes change, Bush gets re-elected and the troops are aloud to still fight the good fight.

Could it be just rhetoric? Is it possible that the polls are just wrong and politicians say random, idiotic things just to win favor with the politicians on their side but when it comes down to voter approval they change their minds? No, that can't be it, because that would mean that America is basically conservative and (most) Dems step down off of their liberal soap boxes during election years to win that conservative vote. That's just outlandish right?

America needs to get some more stick-to-itiveness about her. Just because politicians are screaming foul when it comes to the war in Iraq doesn't mean that's what's actually happening. Just watch how they vote, that's when their true colors come shining through.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Parental Love and Feminism

Thanks to my (future) sister-in-law, my blood pressure went up about 1,000 points this passed week.
Check out why here and here.

Angry yet? Mothers, how about you?
I would HATE to be this woman's child. If ever one needed proof as to how (radical, which, most of them are) feminism has truly wrecked the family unit, this is it. Hypocrisy of feminism aside, do they really expect to gain popularity from the very group of people they're criticizing?
If you're too lazy to read these articles, let me sum everything up for you in one sentence. Being a mother is a waste of time because you can't make money doing it. In other words, this is where the author's priorities lie:
-A bunch of other rubbish
Is the reason why self-esteem has become such a major issue over the last thirty years only glaringly obvious to me? If your own mother doesn't value the "job" of raising you, what good will that do for your mental state?
She especially criticizes those women of the "elite class" with superior educations who quit their jobs or just put them off for the time being to raise their children. And here I always thought a college education extended beyond the four walls of the workplace into everything else that one does. Guess I was wrong. Forgive me for believing that motherhood is the most important job one can undertake in a lifetime. If I'm not mistaken mothers are or do the following:
-Psychologist: from boo-boos to breakups moms make you feel better about almost everything.
-Philosopher: the beliefs and ideals that your mother instills in you will ultimately affect your outlook on life.
-Teacher: some of life's greatest lessons are learned from mom
-Maid: the always controversial, never appreciated talent, noone can wash dishes or do the laundry like mom.
-Doctor: taking temperatures, diagnosing illness, and giving you that disgusting cough syrup that always makes you feel better.
And guess what else? There really is more to her than all of the above. She's also a wife, an individual, someone who just wants to soak in the bathtub or go shopping without screaming children. But guess what? When you're six years old, these things just don't matter to you. I guarantee you though, that if your mom focuses her attention on you when you're younger, you're going to care a whole lot more about who she is when you grow up, and then it can be about her. That's the tradeoff in life but it's a fair one.
What feminism has done is made it all about the woman. It's about her desires and dreams first and everyone else comes second. With that comes the thinking as a child that you're really not good enough and that even your mom doesn't want you.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the other areas that have been negatively impacted as the result of feminism. The divorce rate has skyrocketed due to the belief that women are the same as men and that men should have no more leadership in the relationship than the woman. Unless of course a woman wants to be, say, in the military or the police force, then all of a sudden they have to change their policies because women just can't do as many pushups or situps as men. But, don't be mistaken, we're no different than a man. Unwed pregnancies occur more because it's our body and we can do with it as we please even if that means being promiscuous and not knowing who our "baby daddy" is. Abortions in their first years of legality were at their highest and the numbers are still high today because it's an inconvenience, it just costs too much, or the relationship is bad. So basically what they're saying is, I'm more important than any other life, I won't have enough money to buy those great new Prada shoes, and I didn't have enough foresight not to sleep with a man who I don't get along with. Good, just wanted to make sure.
The other terrible reality of feminism is the key role in a child's life that is so disposable to these women. Men.
I love men. I love that they're (most of them) stronger physically than I. I love that my emotional, sometimes illogical point of view is always challenged by the logical, non-emotional view of a man. I love that men are problem fixers instead of dwelling on the problem. I love that they can't multi-task the way women can because they can focus they're whole being on the task at hand.
Most of all, I love that a man is an irreplaceable person in a little girl's life. It is not duplicable. No other person can explain to a little girl that she is worth much more time than that drug dealer on the street is willing to give to her. Noone but a man can truly show a little boy how to become a decent, upstanding, protective, tough-guy like a man can. Like I said, irreplaceable.

But you can't tell that to a feminist. To them marriage is legalized prostitution and men are pigs. Maybe, if they would stop sleeping around with any Joe Blow that walks in front of them, they would meet a decent man. One who's worth *gasp* submitting to. One who won't hit them or make them feel inferior. Maybe feminists are bitter women who are just jealous of the stay-at-home mom who found herself a decent man to sleep in bed with at night. And, instead of like, raising their standards for finding a decent man, they want to impose their beliefs on all women (and gay men) everywhere so they'll be just as miserable and bitter as they are.
Here's an idea, feminists should just take their hypocritical, man-hating, family ruining, baby killing idealism and flush it down the toilet. Then it's time to put on your cleaning gloves ladies, because that kind on trash leaves a lot of residue and I'm not going to be the one to clean up after it. There are a lot of years of that garbage in the drain and it's time they took responsibility for it.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Bring Me Back to the Days of the Chain Gang

I have been contemplating what to write about all week. There are, of course, those topics that get me all worked up that I could dwell on for hours and bore my readers with. I could have, for example, written about the illegal immigrants again. No, I've already taken a stand on that. I could write about liberal hypocrosy and the toll it's taking on our country. No, Ann Coulter just wrote a book about that, and I don't want to steal her thunder (as if I could). I literally didn't have a single thought until my drive into work this morning. Fabulous, isn't it, how ideas just come to you? Abe Lincoln wrote his Gettysburg Address on the way to Gettysburg. Consider this my Gettysburg.
I was riding (my dad was driving) into work this morning when we passed a modern version of the chain gang. This is to say, a bunch of lazy criminals "picking up trash" on the side of the road. Whenever this happens to me (very rarely), I always pray a silent prayer that the light ahead doesn't turn red, forcing me to be stopped right next their work area. Why? Oh, I don't know, there's something about people who are willing to break the law that makes me nervous.
Spare me the rant about how some people are wrongfully in jail, blah, blah, blah. We all know that most of the people in prison belong there. So move on.
That does however bring me to my point. Do they belong there? What good are they doing society sitting in a jail cell for the better part of a day, living off of our tax dollars, only to (if they do) get out and repeat the same cycle? And if they don't get out, they get 3 square meals a day, watch television, work out, have "recreation" time, and oh, they occasionally go pick trash off of the side of the road. Where's the punishment here? Did I miss something? It doesn't seem to be fitting to any crime.
I'd like to know when the shift happened in this country. When did we go from the chain gang payback, so the sit on your butt and watch tv all day payback?
If someone is caught stealing, they should have to work for the person they stole from to actually pay that individual back. With interest. For several years.
Murder, rape, and child molestation all deserve the death penalty. Period.
The chain gang is a nice little "etablishment" for things like fraud, domestic abuse, other random lewd acts, and anything not mentioned above. To just sit in a cell all day defeats the purpose of why they're there.
We've become so "PC" as a nation, that our judicial system is afraid to offend the offensive. If you wouldn't let your child get away with stealing the cookie from the jar, why are we letting theives get away with stealing the dvd from Best Buy? Letting them sit is letting them get away with it.
On my drive into work I want to start seeing criminals by the hundreds, hooked up to iron chains "making the earth pretty". I think that's an idea even the hippy tree-huggers could get into. It'll save the precious creation they worship.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

'F' the Police

Before I satisfy the masses and lash out with my politics, I want to inform my readers of the newest edition to the Conservative Library. Ann Coulter released the highly anticipated Godless: The Church of Liberalism. Buy it here.

Ok, so now back to my weekly post.

I'm really surprised with myself. I don't necessarily believe that what I'm going to write about today is something that one political party takes a stand on over the other. I just think it needs to be brought into light. I was talking to a friend recently who is a retired police lieutenant and was (and still am) outraged at the petty problems the Protectors of the Streets have to deal with.
Also, in light of recent criticism that I don't source my findings, I'll start providing. Please bear with me as there is plenty to source.

We've all read about, heard, or seen the Rodney King "incident". We saw the way the officers beat him with their batons relentlessly while King was laying helplessly on the ground seemingly cooperative. What is not shown (due to editing and the fact that the gentleman who videotaped came in about a quarter into the incident) is the fact King has just taken the officers on an 8 mile high speed chase, threw 4 officers off of his back after they were ordered to subdue him, and then went charging after another officer. In comes the baton swing heard 'round the world. What took place next was what most witnessed in the edited video. It appears that King is just laying on the ground while enduring a 19 second "brutal attack" from the officers. What was not shown, (source) was the fact that King continued to resist arrest while being beaten, which is why they continued to hit him. Also, ignored is the fact that not only was he drunk, and had a previous police record, but he was also high off of PCP. Some of the affects of PCP? "Numbness, slurred speech, and loss of coordination may be accompanied by a sense of strength and invulnerability." This might explain his apparent tolerance during the whole escapade and the reason why he was able to continue lunging at officers after being shot with 2 rounds of electric darts totaling 50,000 volts each.
I'm sure many have also heard about Officer Gus Spanos . He pulled a vehicle over for a "routine" traffic stop and was subsequently stabbed by the driver and his friends and shot to death. Thanks to the camera that was in his squad car the criminals were captured, and this incident started a widespread move to have cameras put in the squad cars of all officers in Oklahoma.

The sad part of both incidents are what each officer had to put up with. Officer Spanos was outnumbered 3-1 and suffered the consequences. The officers in the Rodney King incident weren't outnumbered, yet were dealing with a dangerous person and when they used force, they were all but crucified. Tell me, would you not do all you could to protect your life and the life of those with whom you work? That's exactly what officers do and when they do they look like the bad guys.
There are hundreds of other stories just like this and it seems to be that there is one extreme or the other. Either the officer gets hurt or killed, or they're attacked by the government for using too much force.
There's got to be a middle ground here. Either that, or the state governments should back off. Only police officers know how dangerous it is for police officers. If they feel the need to use force based on a person's actions or previous criminal record, then they should be able to do so. It could save their life. I'd rather the officer live than the criminal if he can't comply with the officers demands.

Another bothersome issue is the way in which police are disrespected. This issue is mostly dominant with rap "music". The newest song I love to hate is Ridin' by Chamillionaire. The chorus lyrics are:

They see me rollin'-They hatin'-Patrollin' and tryna catch me ridin dirty-(tryna to catch me ridin dirty) X 4-My music so loud-I'm swangin'-They hopin' that they gonna catch me ridin dirty(tryna catch me ridin dirty)

They go on to talk about how they have to get home before po' po' catches them drinking and smoking in their Excursion (they have to throw in the part about their cars because it's the only pride they have). Since when did the police become the bad guys? Pardon me for pointing this out, but aren't they "Ridin' Dirty"? Shouldn't they be put in jail? They are in the wrong, right?

Maybe the war in Iraq is wrong. (Not really) I think we have our own war in this country. It's called the inner city. Just like in Iraq our troops are the "bad guys" (although the left would never admit they truly think that); In the U.S. police are the "bad guys". We could learn a lesson from the War on Terrorism; remove the source of the problem and start all over, things can only go up from there.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fighting for the Bottom of the Totem Pole

Well, I think I've heard it all now. This is it. If there was no evidence before of whose trying to "keep the man down" there is now. It's "the man" himself!
I was reading an article recently about blacks and their take on the immigration issues. Most of my readers, I'm sure, know where I stand on immigration, so I'll spare you the rant. What I read in this article was most interesting due largely to the fact that a large portion of the African-American population seem to be opposed to keeping the illegal immigrants here. This is mostly because the illegals take over the jobs that the younger (male) African American's would otherwise have. i.e. unskilled, low-paying labor. One would assume then that if your job is being taken over, that you educate yourself and move up the "career ladder".
Not so for this group of people.
It would be interesting to have a conversation with one of these people. I mean, are they serious?

"So what you're telling me is that you're upset that the immigrants are taking your low-paying, going nowhere in life job?" -"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying." "Well, why?"

Really, you would think that this would be a big light bulb going off for these people. Ding, Ding, Ding, even uneducated, non english-speaking ILLEGALS can do this job, maybe I'd better try for something better. But no, they'll just settle for less and use the energy they could put towards a better education on complaining about the fact that they have to compete with immigrants for minimum wage.

As they are with every other issue that comes up in the African-American corner, good ol' Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are present here. But this time, instead of screaming about how unfair blacks are treated as minorities in the work place and how they should have the same opportunities to move up as everyone else, they're marching alongside of illegals and trying to keep the African-Americans right where they are- at the bottom.
Pardon me gentlemen, but I thought your agenda was to create opportunity for the young generation of African Americans, not keep them at a place where they're earning minimum wage. No wonder African Americans are fighting for nothingness, it's what their fearless leaders want for them too! "I see your true colors shining through......"
Looks like Jesse and Al like being the only blacks at the top. They don't want to have to compete with truly educated African Americans like Condie Rice or Colon Powell (or "Uncle Toms" as they like to call them) for the money or favor in this capitalistic society.
And I would be amiss if I didn't point this out- Jesse and Al align themselves with the liberal left! Imagine that!
What African Americans need to realize is that it's not just Jesse and Al who want to keep them working at McDonald's, it's the whole of the Left. Might I also point out that Republicans seem to be the only party that know how to put an African American in a position of authority. Ask Bill Clinton who he had on top (and I mean other than Monica Lewinsky) and he can't give an answer relative to civil rights. As is typical, he's all bark and no bite, which is how that party has been all along.
So here's my solution to this problem. GO TO SCHOOL. From what I hear, in order to earn a great salary anymore, a good education is required. If an illegal can take the job you have now, it probably wasn't worth having anyway, and it probably wasn't putting a (decent) roof over your head. The best fix to this conundrum is to take a step up in society. Frankly, if we're going to let the illegals stay here I'd rather them stay at the bottom of the totem pole. It's where they belong if their not going to acclimate themselves to the culture in this great nation.