Laura Nowadays

Political Rantings and Insight From a Not-So-Stupid Twenty-Something.

Location: United States

Thursday, May 25, 2006

My Standards Come Double

Liberals have two faces. The one that we see in front of the camera is the "We're for everyone and everything, and we abide by the rules that are the foundational moral code of this country" face. The one that we see most often is disturbingly the face that seems to be ignored or missed by the American public. This is the face of the double standard. It's amazing to me that after actually listening to a liberal speak that anyone would take them seriously. It's just so obvious to me that they hold everyone besides themselves to the laws of this country while they can parade around doing as they please. Like......animals.

Let's start with a Kennedy. I would love nothing more than to touch on Ted Kennedy and the embarrassment he's brought on this country over the years, but I'll save that for another day. I'll talk about Rep. Patrick Kennedy. Now here's a good guy. It seems that he falls right in line with his family history. Scandal. Deceit. Drunkenness. These are the three main ingredients in making a Kennedy. Touch it up with a nice suit, pretty smile, and a mistress by their side, and you've got a Kennedy in his truest form. It seems as though driving drunk (or high as he has denied that alcohol was involved in the crash) is something acceptable for the latest shame in the Kennedy family. Patrick decided after popping a few pills and/or "throwing a few back" that it would be a good idea to go for a little drive. After almost taking out a police officer and crashing into a construction barrier, he decided to admit himself into rehab. This is a congressmen. He is in an elected position of high esteem and he can't even stay sober. Of course all of his liberal buddies have his back. According to them this shouldn't affect the way we look at him and he should be able to maintain his office.

God forbid Americans want someone decent representing their state.

The story for Rush Limbaugh is similar except he didn't crash his car into anyone or anything. As a matter of fact, he wasn't even driving! Oh, but wait, he is a conservative Republican, maybe that's the real problem. He admitted himself into a rehab program after realizing that he was becoming addicted to pain medication that was actually prescribed to him. He's a radio personality. He doesn't hold a political office and although he does hold to his political opinion no one is forced to listen to him. For some reason this information is lost on the Left and it was all Rush could do to keep his job. The media were constantly at him to step down and he was forced to turn over his medical records as if he were the President. Which, I would like to point out, is a double standard I didn't even mean to bring up.
As is customary in this country when you run for/become President you are required to turn over your medical records. Clinton refused. Something to hide? Definitely. But our country was blinded by his charm and by golly that's all you need to be the leader of your nation. Why then was Limbaugh required to turn his records over? Need I point out the obvious?

And speaking of Clinton, let's bring up another double standard. Back in the days of the Clinton campaign some information leaked that Clinton tried marijuana. This produced the ever-famous "I did not inhale" line. Now I'm not going to imply that anyone, elected or not, is without the mistakes in life that only youth (or being a liberal) can bring. For Pete's sake though, was that excuse actually believable? This should have been a major indicator as to the character (or lack thereof) of this man. But as I said before he is charming.
In the campaigning days of our current leader information was brought forth that he had had an alcohol problem. He didn't deny it, he didn't try to sugar-coat it ("I did not swallow") he admitted to his problem, but also brought forth the fact the he overcame an obstacle in his life. Well, you'd have thought he killed a man. From that point on it was all the Left could talk about, which is understandable considering their candidates weren't much to comment on.

When are the people of this country going to open up their eyes? Cases like this occur almost daily in the liberal world but everyone is so focused on gas prices that they don't even recognize it. What's worse is that conservitives aren't screaming about this. It's time to put on your big boy britches America, I'm tired of being the man of the house.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Let's all be surprised. I'm not going to write about anything political in this entry. (Well maybe) You'll also notice (if you've EVER paid attention) that I'm not writing on my typical Thursday. I have a crazy week ahead of me, and I didn't want to let my reader(s) down.
Luke is coming home!!!! YAY! He's not coming home this week, but I'm flying down to watch him graduate from his Officer Basic Course on Saturday. As you can imagine, I'm totally excited! He's been there since January 26th, so aside from the pictures I have of him at home and work, I haven't seen him.
You're probably like who the HECK is Luke?!?!?! I guess it would help to know, wouldn't it? He is my fiance and he's in the Army, and I'm not really sure what else to tell you except that I'm SO excited that he's coming home!

We have TONS of wedding "stuff" (there's just no other word for it) to do when he gets back. Not that he's COMPLETELY involved in the wedding plans. You know how guys are. I did think though, that it would be really tacky to have our engagement photo session without him.
So, I'm terribly sorry to those of you who just LOVE reading my politcal oppinion. It's not happening this week. I will tell you that going this long without writing something political is going to make me twice as fired up as I normally would be, so watch out next Thursday!!!

P.S. Do you LOVE the new layout!?!?!?!
P.P.S Pray for me, I HATE flying!!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I Work Hard For Your Money

Just imagine. You're in the grocery store, finally standing in that obnoxiously long line that has taken you two hours to get to. You just want to go home. You had a long day at work and the only thing standing between you and your big comfy couch is the woman in front of you in line. She is a well-dressed beautiful young woman with three children. You notice her nails are well manicured and she has on the brand new leather coat you've been wanting for months and refuse to buy because it is WAY too expensive. The cashier finally rings all of her items and out of her wallet she pulls....FOOD STAMPS?!? What the heck? This is the story of my life and probably yours. I've decided recently that I am fed up with this scenario. I work way too hard to turn over my money to someone who obviously has his or her priorities screwed up.

The thing that gets me in all of this is that SO many people are getting away with this crime. IT IS A CRIME.

Why is it that there are so many people, predominantly in the inner-cities, that get to lay up all day while the rest of America is working a 40+ hour week? Why is it that these young women continue to make babies that I am taking care of? Why is it that the men get to live off of the women they impregnate? I think there is a MAJOR custody battle in the works. If I'm paying for their housing, school, clothes, and food, I should at least get weekend visitation, right? I'll keep you posted.

These women should be sterilized. No more baby-making if you can't even take care of yourself. The same should go for the men. These people ride the shirttails of the American public without so much as attempting to contribute. The welfare system needs to change, and fast. Welfare is the only form of communism we have in this country and it's bringing everyone down.

These people get wrapped up in drugs, alcohol, and thievery. They have nothing to work for, no way to better themselves because they've been taught laziness. They expect a hand out. As a result of their lack of a decent upbringing, they turn into criminals, robbing and killing the very people that have been paying for them to sit on their rear-ends their whole lives. When all is said and done they get caught, thrown in jail, and then we're paying for them all over again. Stop the Madness!!!!

Here is my proposition; take welfare away! Ok, maybe that's unrealistic. Here's another; monitor it better. If you don't have a job, get one. If you're not compensated well enough there, get a degree (high school first) and you'll make more money, I promise. I'm not saying that people don't need a little help every now and then getting on their feet. I come from a VERY large family, I know money gets tight for everyone. (Except for maybe Bill Gates) So get a second job. Don't just expect the government (or the people) to solve your problem. Those are not the principles this country was founded on. In the 'good old days' if you didn't work, you didn't eat. Whatever happened to that philosophy? It's like we're robbing the poor to give to the lazy.

I know this isn't something people are going to want to hear, but who cares. It's only the people who are sucking America dry that will be bothered. The rest of us want our money back. Here's another proposition, I heard McDonald's is hiring. I know it's a slow start, but with a little effort and education, you'll be movin' on up in no time.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Whistlin' Dixie

Time for my weekly post. I'd like to keep posting on a weekly basis. This way my craving to share my wonderful point of view is satisfied, and I still keep my readers on edge, just waiting for the next fireball of conservitivism to come flying at them. This is assuming, of course, that anyone reads this. I'd like to think that I'm a mini-Ann Coulter, sharing my views without necessarily being asked for them. Not to mention sharing them with a pinch of spunk.
I hope that you've found time in your busy schedule this past week to watch a bit of MTV, VH1 or even CMT. (The latter being the music television that I prefer) The Dixie Chicks have found some courage deep within them to make one more attempt in the music world. Interestingly enough, their sound has changed to that of a more pop-based melody. I can't imagine why. It seems as though they're "Not Ready to Make Nice" with their original fan-base who have shunned them. What a shame. That certainly isn't the impression that I got from Natalie Maines during her blubber-fest with Diane Sawyer. But maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention to her.
At any rate, the Dixie Chicks have now taken time to re-think their second statement about their original statement and are now "mad as hell". But who knows, this could change in another month.
Prediction: When the Dixie Chicks realize that they're not selling cd's the way they used to, they'll put out an album titled "Finally Ready to Make Nice, We Swear".
I think what I'm trying to say here is that the damage is done. The media (and those that follow them blindly) are praising the Chicks for "sticking to their guns" and for their "courage in spite of what has happened to them". But if they really stuck to their guns, would they have put out their pathetic attempt at an apology to the American public in the first place? It seems to me that they don't even know where they really stand.
My favorite line in this whole controversy is that the Chicks have every right to free speech, it's part of being an American. Well you're darn right it is, but can someone please explain to me why the right to free speech ends with the Dixie Chicks? It's ok for them to say that they're embarassed that President Bush is from Texas (which, I would like to point out is SO childish; It ranks right up their with "My dad is cooler than your dad") but it's not ok for people to be upset about that and stop supporting them? Sounds to me like a double-standard. Ah, the epitome of the Left. I knew it would come out at some point in this blog.
Now that the Chicks are yet again exercising their right to free speech, I can't wait to see the response from "the people". I know that I won't be wasting my hard-earned money on filth and I'm excited to see who else won't. Whether or not anyone is willing to admit it, the heartland still sways this country's vote. From what I can see, the heartland isn't "Ready to Make Nice" either.