Laura Nowadays

Political Rantings and Insight From a Not-So-Stupid Twenty-Something.

Location: United States

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Why I Like Ann

In light of recent "interest" into my adoration of Ann Coulter, I decided to write this article. It is extremely ironic, and purely coincidental that a fellow blogger just so happened to write about her this week. (I swear AGL, I really was going to write about her anyway!) It is also ironic that she was just attacked by the New York Post for alleged plagiarism in her most recent work Godless: The Church of Liberalism and even some of her columns prior to that. Read the article for yourself. Their allegations are shoddy at best, lack of concrete evidence will do that to you. Also, newsflash NYP, she does cite her sources, maybe reading the book would educate you!
Anyway, on to the goods.
Where should I begin? You can hear (and see) her coming from a mile away. She's witty, charming, offensive (to the opposing crowd, of course) educated, and not afraid to speak her mind. She epitomizes everything that the conservative crowd is thinking but afraid to speak. She is Ann Coulter. (Great opening, don't ya think?)
I first heard of Ann through my Father (thanks Dad!) who has, as far back as I can remember, been talking about her "spunk" and "fear of nothing liberal". She and Laura Ingraham are among my dad's favorites in political commentary. Anyway, I decided to delve into the world of Ann and see what she was really all about. Now, I must admit, a political bias was instilled in me relatively early in life, however, through watching the news and thinking for myself I am now an unconvertible conservative Christian-Republican. I put Christian first because it is my faith that dictates my belief system. I'll touch on that later.
I'm sure anyone, those who oppose and support Ann Coulter, found that the first time you read her material or saw her in an interview, she was extremely hard-hitting. She doesn't mince words and she certainly doesn't skate around the issues, she tells it like it is in spite of the fact that you may feel as though you were punched in the stomach afterwards. This is my favorite thing about her.
For too long now conservatives have all but been told to sit down and shut up in the political arena. Especially when it comes to social issues, i.e. abortion, gay marriage, prayer in schools. etc. etc. When we finally woke up and realized what was happening, it was too late for some things. Roe v. Wade, Engel v. Vitale are just part of what was affected as a result of the silence of conservitivism.
Now that the sleeping giant has awoken and we have a spokesperson in Ann Coulter, the left is freaking out because she is exposing years of liberal hypocrisy and debauchery (well, at least in the Clinton camp).
I do not walk around quoting Ann Coulterisms all day. I do, however, respect her opinion because I see almost daily what she is talking about. Like for example:

"Why hasn't the former spokesman for the Taliban matriculating at Yale been beaten even more senseless than he already is? According to Hollywood, this nation is a cauldron of ethnic hatreds positively brimming with violent skinheads. Where are the skinheads when you need them? What does a girl have to do to get an angry, club- and torch-wielding mob on its feet? There is not the remotest possibility that a man who was recently defending shooting women in the head for wearing nail polish will so much as be snubbed on the Yale campus. The only violence on college campuses these days occurs when people like David Horowitz, Michelle Malkin and me show up to give a speech in defense of America. Then we need bomb-sniffing dogs and a lecture hall lined with armed police. But a Talibanist goes about his day at Yale unmolested. "

or how about...

"Democrats adored the independent counsel statute — until it was used to catch an actual felon in the Oval Office. Then they noticed all sorts of problems with the law. Democrats swore up and down that women never lie about rape — until that same felon was credibly accused of rape by Juanita Broaddrick on "NBC News," not to mention the four other card-carrying Democratic women who described being raped by Bill Clinton in eerily similar detail in Christopher Hitchens' book "No One Left To Lie To."

Ann Coulter's way of speaking provocatively tends to cause those who read and listen to her to really find out what it is she's talking about. Maybe this is why the government is dominated by the conservativeve party. And why Bush won both times. And why for the first time Bin Laden and all his cronies are being dealt with. Bill Clinton certainly didn't do anything about him. (see the link on my previous post for this source)
Ann sees and calls Liberals on how they really are. In Godless she talks about the state imposed religion of the Left and how "This is a country in which taxpayers are forced to subsidize “artistic” exhibits of aborted fetuses, crucifixes in urine, and gay pornography. Meanwhile, it’s unconstitutional to display a Nativity scene at Christmas or the Ten Commandments on government property if the purpose is to promote monotheistic religion."

Am I the only person who gets it? (Obviously not, she tops the NYT Best Seller list frequently) The crazy thing is. IT'S ALL TRUE. Research it, question it. I doubt you'll be able to disprove it. Ann's just one of the few people that scream at the Godlessness that is the Democratic Party.
No, not all Dems are Godless and not all Republicans are Godfull (you like that). That's not the point she's making. Her point is that those extreme views are the views of those who are trying to weasel their way into the government by lying to the American public. Those that she offends are just scared of being exposed and that's why they sling mud at her. They try to discredit her all to no avail.
This plagiarism scandal will come and go, but here's my question. If she is truly guilty of plagiarism where is the lawsuit? What's that, there isn't one? Well that must mean that this is all just a ploy to damage her name and reputation. Way to be different New York Post. If all else fails, sling mud. That's the only thing Liberals have left in their little bag of tricks and it's getting old. Start coming to us with facts and maybe we'll listen. Until then, I'll be reading Ann's articles every Thursday, thank you.


Blogger Melissa Angert {All Things Chic} said...

I took an Ann Coulter book out of the library last year ("How to Talk to a Liberal if You Must"). Read the introduction -- thought it was hilarious! For once, someone was sprouting out wacky-extreme-political views that I agreed with! I was intrigued. After about two or three chapters about September 11, I closed the book and never picked it up again.

“She's witty, charming, offensive (to the opposing crowd, of course) educated, and not afraid to speak her mind. She epitomizes everything that the conservative crowd is thinking but afraid to speak.” Ann Coulter may be a conservative, but she does not represent me or my thinking as a conservative. While Ann certainly is intelligent and informed, I find her delivery very offensive. I agreed with her basic ideas -- but I still found her, her writing and her presentation highly offensive.

There is a saying: “Its easy to create heat, but not to create light.” It is easy to make people angry at extreme opinions, to cause friction and get attention by creating controversy. It is not easy to make people hear your ideas. It is not easy to educate people to help them understand your ideas. Her determination to be offensive and "not mince words" may sell books and it may get people talking but, in the long run, it is not bettering society. And it is not helping conservatives win any support. Instead of enlightening the world on the conservative ideology, she is purposely stirring up controversy and being dismissed by the great majority of people as a wacky extremist. It’s really a shame. She is extremely smart and talented. But she is dismissed by so many as a loon because of her presentation.

I admit I've only read that bit of one of her books. I'm not a faithful reader who really knows her full work. But, from what I have read and what I have heard others saying about her, I'm just not impressed. But, I'm also just a stay-at-home mom who doesn't have too many brain cells left for political commentators at the end of the day. I'd rather sleep ;-)

7:25 PM  
Blogger Melissa Angert {All Things Chic} said...

I LOVE your new look!! I am way too into brown these days.

8:08 AM  
Blogger LauraS said...

Brown is capturing my attention also!!! BTW, I have to get your dress to you....You are DEFINATELY going to have to have it altered since it fit my sister perfectly.

8:20 AM  
Blogger Melissa Angert {All Things Chic} said...

You just need some pink to pull it all together!!

Lets get together when Luke gets back. I'm DYING to see the dress. I just bought the, ahem, gel-bra from VS and hope it will help keep the dress up ;-) After the dress fiasco at Julie's wedding, it can't be that bad!!

2:10 PM  
Blogger LauraS said...

I might have to get one of those myself!!!! The dress is DEFINATELY not a 12, so I think this might just be a tad better than the previous dress fiasco!

2:30 PM  

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